API - Functions namespace

Function Summary
cot_alphaonlyStrips everything but alphanumeric, hyphens and underscores
cot_authReturns specific access permissions
cot_auth_buildBuilds Access Control List (ACL) for a specific user
cot_autoloadGeneric autoloader function to be used with spl_autoload_register
cot_blockBlock user if he is not allowed to access the page
cot_blockguestsBlock guests from viewing the page
cot_breadcrumbsRenders breadcrumbs string from array of path crumbs
cot_build_ageCalculates age out of date of birth.
cot_build_countryReturns country text button
cot_build_emailReturns user email link
cot_build_filesizeGenerate human-readable filesize.
cot_build_flagReturns country flag button
cot_build_friendlynumberGeneric function for generating a human-readable number with localized units.
cot_build_groupReturns group link (button)
cot_build_groupiconReturns user group icon
cot_build_ipsearchReturns IP Search link
cot_build_numberWrapper for number_format() using locale number formatting and optional rounding.
cot_build_oddevenOdd/even class choser for row
cot_build_starsReturns stars image for user level
cot_build_timeagoReturns readable time difference or 'Just now'.
cot_build_timegapReturns time gap between two timestamps
cot_build_timezoneReturns timezone offset formatted according to ISO 8601
cot_build_urlReturns link for URL
cot_build_userReturns link to user profile
cot_captcha_generateGenerates a captcha
cot_captcha_listReturns the list of currently installed captchas
cot_captcha_validateValides a captcha value
cot_checkIf condition is true, triggers an error with given message and source
cot_check_emailChecks the email
cot_check_messagesChecks if there are messages to display
cot_check_xgChecks GET anti-XSS parameter
cot_check_xpChecks POST anti-XSS parameter
cot_clear_messagesClears error and other messages after they have bin displayed
cot_confirm_urlGenerates an URL used to confirm an action performed by target URL
cot_cutstringTruncates a string
cot_dateLocalized version of PHP date()
cot_date2stampConverts date into UNIX timestamp.
cot_date2strftimeConvert a date format to a strftime format.
cot_declensionMakes correct plural forms of words
cot_dieTerminates script execution and performs redirect
cot_die_messageTerminates script execution and displays message page
cot_diefatalTerminates script execution with fatal error
cot_display_messagesRenders different messages on page
cot_errorRecords an error message to be displayed on results page
cot_error_foundChecks if any errors have been previously detected during current script execution
cot_generate_usertagsReturns all user tags for XTemplate
cot_get_callerReturns name part of the caller file.
cot_get_editorsReturns the list of available rich text editors
cot_get_messagesReturns an array of messages for a specific source and/or class
cot_get_parsersReturns the list of available markup parsers
cot_get_pluralUsed in cot_declension to get rules for concrete languages
cot_getextpluginsReturns a list of plugins registered for a hook
cot_hashHashes a value with given salt and specified hash algo.
cot_hash_funcsReturns the list of available hash algos for use with configs.
cot_hash_md5Simple MD5 hash wrapper.
cot_hash_sha1SHA1 hash func for use with cot_hash().
cot_hash_sha256SHA256 hash func for use with cot_hash().
cot_http_build_urlBuilds URL string from URL parts
cot_imageresizeResize an image
cot_imagesharpenSharpen an image after resize
cot_img_check_memoryChecks if PHP can have enough memory to process an image
cot_implode_messagesCollects all messages and implodes them into a single string
cot_importImports data from the outer world
cot_import_buffer_savePuts POST data into the cross-request buffer
cot_import_bufferedAttempts to fetch a buffered value for a variable previously imported if the currently imported value is empty
cot_import_dateImports date stamp
cot_import_listImports data from the outer world by list of Variable names Relies on `cot_import` function
cot_import_pagenavImports pagination indexes
cot_import_tabledataImports data from the outer world as indexed array of records imported by cot_import_list.
cot_incfileReturns path to include file
cot_lang_determineReturns a exists language from HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE
cot_langfileReturns a language file path for an extension or core part.
cot_load_structureLoads comlete category structure into array
cot_logLogs an event
cot_log_importLogs wrong input
cot_mailSends mail with standard PHP mail().
cot_messageRecords a generic message to be displayed on results page
cot_mktimeCreates UNIX timestamp out of a date
cot_module_activeChecks if a module is currently installed and active
cot_outputfiltersApplies output filters, adds XSS protection to POST forms Note: XSS can be switched off by adding "xp-off" class to form
cot_outputfilters_callbackUsed with cot_outputfilters It is needed because php 5.2 does not support anonymous functions.
cot_pagenavPage navigation (pagination) builder.
cot_parseParses text body
cot_parse_autourlsAutomatically detect and parse URLs in text into HTML
cot_parse_strSplits a query string into keys and values array.
cot_parse_urlSplits URL for its parts Same as `parse_str` but with workaround for URL with omitted scheme for old PHP versions
cot_plugin_activeChecks if a plugin is currently installed and active
cot_randomstringGenerates random string within specified charlist
cot_rcResource string formatter function.
cot_rc_add_embedPuts a portion of embedded code into the header/footer CSS/JS resource registry.
cot_rc_add_filePuts a JS/CSS file into the footer resource registry to be consolidated with other such resources and stored in cache.
cot_rc_add_standardRegisters standard resources
cot_rc_attr_stringConverts custom attributes to a string if necessary
cot_rc_embedA shortcut for plain output of an embedded stylesheet/javascript in the header of the page
cot_rc_embed_footerA shortcut for plain output of an embedded stylesheet/javascript in the footer of the page
cot_rc_linkQuick link resource pattern
cot_rc_link_fileA shortcut for plain output of a link to a CSS/JS file in the header of the page
cot_rc_link_footerA shortcut to append a JavaScript or CSS file to {FOOTER_JS} tag
cot_rc_minifyJS/CSS minification function
cot_rc_modifyModifies rc string
cot_redirectDisplays redirect page
cot_rmdirRemoves a directory recursively
cot_schemefileReturns path to a CSS file for user selected color scheme.
cot_selectbox_themeReturns Theme/Scheme selection dropdown
cot_sendheadersSends standard HTTP headers and disables browser cache
cot_setcookieSet cookie with optional HttpOnly flag
cot_shield_clearactionClears current user action in shield
cot_shield_hammerAnti-hammer protection
cot_shield_protectWarn user of shield protection
cot_shield_updateUpdates shield state
cot_shutdownPerforms actions required right before shutdown
cot_stamp2dateConverts UNIX timestamp into MySQL date
cot_string_truncateTruncates text.
cot_structure_buildpathBuilds category path for cot_breadcrumbs()
cot_structure_childrenGets an array of category children
cot_structure_parentsGets an array of category parents
cot_themes_infoReturns themes info data for all available themes or a specified one
cot_timezone_listReturns a list of timezones sorted by GMT offset.
cot_timezone_offsetReturns the offset from GMT in seconds or hours, with or without DST.
cot_timezone_searchReturns a list of possible timezones based on country and/or GMT offset.
cot_timezone_transitionsReturns previous, current and next transition in a certain timezone.
cot_titleGenerates a title string by replacing submasks with assigned values
cot_tplfileReturns path to a template file.
cot_translit_decodeBackwards transition for cot_translit_encode
cot_translit_encodeTransliterates a string if transliteration is available
cot_uniqueGenerates random string within hexadecimal range
cot_unregister_globalsUnregisters globals if globals are On
cot_uriredir_applyApply URI-redir that stored in session
cot_uriredir_redirectChecks URI-redir for xg before redirect
cot_uriredir_storeStore URI-redir to session
cot_urlTransforms parameters into URL by following user-defined rules.
cot_url_checkChecks if an absolute URL belongs to current site or its subdomains
cot_url_modifyConstructs a modified version of a current URL.
cot_url_sanitizeSanitize given URL to prevent XSS
cot_user_full_nameDisplays User full name Format of full name is language specific and defined by $R['users_full_name'] resource string.
cot_wraptextWraps text
cot_xgReturns XSS protection variable for GET URLs
cot_xpReturns XSS protection field for POST forms
strptimestrptime() for Windows
Global Summary
COT_GROUP_DEFAULTMain function library.